The 1930s

Branching out

In 1930, PP&L completed the last major acquisition of the early stages of its history when it merged with 21 operating companies in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, area, adding a substantial number of rural and farm customers in Lancaster, Chester and Berks counties.


Pennsylvania-New Jersey Interconnection expands

This was the earliest formation of an interconnection of utilities and was a landmark accomplishment for the electric utility industry.

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PPL transmission towers are pictured in a field

1930 - 1934

Electrification of the home

While the Great Depression took its toll on business profitability, the demand for electric appliances stayed high. The desire to bring modern conveniences into the home helped the demand for electricity remain steady, even in the darkest days of the Great Depression.


PP&L begins using Reddy Kilowatt

A stick figure with a light bulb nose, wall sockets for ears and lightning bolts for limbs, Reddy Kilowatt became a fixture in PP&L marketing materials. By the mid-1950s, Reddy Kilowatt was used by more than 200 U.S. utility companies as a friendly “spokesperson” who educated the public about electrical safety and promoted electric products. PP&L retired Reddy Kilowatt in 1981.


The "Reddy Kilowatt" phrase is a registered trademark of Reddy Kilowatt Corporation.