Doing business with us.
PPL values our relationships with contractors and suppliers. We do business with companies that are reliable, customer-focused and share in our commitment to the highest ethical standards.
Our business relationships are vital to our success
Supplier Diversity
PPL values diversity among its employees and with the companies it does business with. PPL is committed to purchasing goods and services at competitive prices, while enhancing the opportunities for business owners of diverse backgrounds to succeed.
Standards for Suppliers
Our Standards of Integrity define the way we conduct our business. They set the foundation for our reputation as a company, our integrity as individuals, and the success of our operations. These standards carry over to our suppliers. We believe in working with suppliers with a safety-first attitude and a fair and honest approach in all business interactions.
Supplier Opportunities
PPL purchases a wide variety of products and services, including equipment, repair services, professional services, travel and logistics services, construction supplies, information technology and engineering services. Each of PPL’s utility companies has a unique set of business needs. Our businesses work directly with suppliers to meet those needs.
Becoming a PPL Supplier
We want to make doing business with us easy. Please select the PPL company that you are interested in working with.